Our student voices are strong. Students contribute by writing blogs and op-eds on current events and research topics.
Palabra Estudiantil
Our publications include media made by faculty, undergraduate and graduate students, community fellows, and organizations, in audio, visual and written formats.
At the Democracy + Media Lab we create publications aimed at fostering accessibility and engagement within communities. Our range of materials includes research papers, reports, maps, dossiers, posters, podcasts, and video.
Working groups focus on two main areas of research to provide an organizational framework for analyzing the relationship between democracy and media.
Undoing Imperialism
Rethinking Democracy
The rationale for these two areas is that without an analysis and critique of how imperialism operates within the U.S. and in the hemisphere, we are otherwise working within a system that buries the underlying contradictions about what it means to democratize power and democratize media.
We see imperialism as antithetical to a genuine democracy and therefore commit to undoing imperialism as necessary to the future of democracy.
Media publications in various forms, whether the body or in representational film, images, or text, comes from this process :
to dismantle that which harms our communities;
to create a culturally rooted organizational ethic and method for reconstituting democratized forms of power; and,
to create an inclusive future for the well being of all life with Earth.